CNES, the French Space Agency, will host the next SpaceOps workshop scheduled to take place June 18th -20th , 2024. This biannual event, which takes place in between the SpaceOps conferences, aims to explore new subjects, new paradigms, new issues related to space systems operations. It is indeed a question of bringing together a few experts to discuss the relevance of introducing new topics, new problematics, and new challenges within the scope of the international space operations community.
The proposed themes are the following:
New Ops Paradigms (New kind of missions & Ops concepts such as Swarm mission, Constellations, Formation Flying Ops, new ops approaches …)
New Solutions for Ops (GSaaS / Free public tools / IT world / New space communications / Cheaper Faster…)
Ops Challenges for Exploration (mainly Lunar & Mars)
Zero Debris Approach: Current capabilities & Future needs (Congestion & debris avoidance / Lessons Learned from coordinated collision avoidance Ops / Space-based observation…)
Ops of In-Orbit Services missions (Lessons Learned from in-flight missions / Challenges for future missions / Including Active debris removal …)